Hendrika Schoorl- Cox , Reiki Master, Solitary Pagan.

by Hendrika Schoorl-Cox
(Perth Australia)

when I was a child, around 5 or 6, (in Holland, on a house boat) I used to hear music playing and laughter coming from under my bed. I'd lay on my stomach and peer under the bed. I would see tiny people dancing and playing and having fun. One night one of them saw me and waved as he danced and said " come and play". I did not answer straight away, I was aw struck. then a few more tiny people saw me and sang and danced for me. I giggled and said

" I cant I'm not allowed out of bed". they seemed to understand and I had many a magical night laughing and talking with them. my father always told me to put my dolls away and go to sleep.in 1960 at the age of 10 my family and I came to Australia where I have never seen them again. I am now 69 and still think of them often.

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Dec 30, 2018
Beautiful Story
by: William

I hope that you can find those "Little People" and once more enjoy their company!

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